Saturday, 30 June 2012

A New Sun Rises !

With ever - evolving trends and consumption of new age media, the way consumers look at your brand has changed dramatically. So much so that you can no longer deny the significance of relevant content. What you say and the content you communicate can no longer just exist. It has to be relevant. It has to inspire. It needs to engage and connect! 

Never Grow Up™ is happy to announce the launch of Yellow Seed, a new Content Solutions & Writing Services venture focusing on original content for businesses, brands, agencies and / or anyone looking for relevant content to reach out or start a dialogue with their customers and clients.

Social Media Feeds  Website Copy  Press Releases  Academic Papers  Brochures & Marketing Collateral  Technical & Industry Specific Writing Content  Copy writing ★ Blogs  Unofficial Writing  Viral Marketing  Writing in Languages ★ Proof Reading & Editing  Magazines, Journals, Newsletters  Reviews & Testimonials ★ College Essays & SOP s  e Books  Presentations  Corporate Films and Documentaries ★ Radio Shows  Events  Television Content  Translations (Indian and World Languages) and then some more ! What is it that you want written down ?

Log on to , look for ItsYellowSeed on LinkedIn I Facebook I Twitter I Slide share or Pinterest or write to to know more ! 

If you are wondering what we are up to next, Never Grow Up continues to remain an Employee Engagement and Fun at Work company striving to make work a lot more interesting and keeping employees willfully engaged by enhancing the culture of your organization.  

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